Sunday, November 05, 2006

Guy Fawkes Celebrations

Well finally we had another exciting weekend. Last night in Wellington, well actually the entire country along with England celebrated Guy Fawkes day. It pretty much was fireworks all weekend. The city of Wellington displayed an awesome show of fireworks over the harbour and I reckon we had the best view. We went over for dinner and drinks to our friends Louise and Johans place and then from their condo balcony on the ocean we watched the fireworks show. Louise and Johan live on Oriental Parade and right across from where the fireworks were going off. The fireworks lasted for about 15 minutes and Scott thinks it was the best he had ever seen, I did agree as well but from Ontario Place I have seen some pretty cool ones as well. After the show was over, I had never seen so many cars and people trying to leave the harbour. We just watched from the condo and waited for it to all clear, which took about 1 hour. So we had some more drinks and waited for the traffic chaos to lesson. That was our experience of the Guy Fawkes day.


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